Display the details and status of Heroku Apps.

Install heroku-status

Generate a Heroku API Key:

  • Install the Heroku CLI
  • Run heroku login
  • Run heroku authorizations:create
  • Enter the token into ScriptKit when prompted


// Name: Heroku Status
// Description: Displays the status of Heroku apps
// Author: Jacob Swain
// Twitter: @jacobswain
import "@johnlindquist/kit";
const Heroku = await npm("heroku-client");
let token = await env("HEROKU_API_TOKEN");
const heroku = new Heroku({ token });
const preview = ({ name, stack, web_url, git_url, updated_at, status }) =>
## ${name}
- Updated: ${updated_at}
- Status: ${status}
- Stack: ${stack}
### Links
${git_url ? `- [git](${git_url})` : ""}
${web_url ? `- [web](${web_url})` : ""}
const byDateDesc = (a, b) => {
if (a.created_at < b.created_at) {
return 1;
if (a.created_at > b.created_at) {
return -1;
return 0;
const apps = await heroku.get("/apps").then((apps) =>
apps.map(({ id, name, web_url, git_url, updated_at }) => ({
description: web_url,
value: `https://dashboard.heroku.com/apps/${name}`,
preview: async () => {
const setups = await heroku
.then((builds) => builds.sort(byDateDesc));
if (!setups || !setups.length) return md(`No builds found`);
return preview({ ...setups[0], name, web_url, git_url });
let url = await arg("Select Heroku App:", apps);
await $`open ${url}`;